Saturday, June 4, 2011

Alsace - Riquewihr May 11

9 May 2011 - Riquewihr, Alsace. One of the most tourist visited town in this region.
The tower inspired Colmar Tropical in Bukit Tinggi.
To get there, we had to take the bus from outside the Colmar train station.
For the latest bus schedule enquire at the train station, the information counter will kindly help with a copy.
Watch out for the right bus number on the sign post and pay the driver (enquire about return fare).
The infrequent bus service makes it difficult to travel around but we wouldn't want to risk driving on the wrong side of the road, so this is a better option than driving although one can visit more towns by driving.

The town is pretty with pastel coloured half-timbered houses.
The houses were decorated with flower boxes everywhere and roses were in bloom.
This is a town where people are so trusting that the shop owners leave their merchandise outside when they go for lunch.
We tried out French cooking with famous foie gras (tasted like chinese preserved bean curd).

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